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Crystals, Geodes, and Tumbled Stones

Snowflake Obsidian Tumbled Stone

Tumbled stones are small, rounded, brightly polished pieces of rocks and minerals. They are made by placing rough rocks in a machine known as a rock tumbler, which tumbles them until their edges and surfaces are smooth and polished. As in nature, each stone has its own unique qualities in appearance.

Please see Measurement chart for sizing/cost for tumbled stones. Stone sizing is based on length of longest dimension.

Snowflake Obsidian – Associated with the root chakra and has properties of bringing things to the surface; can provide balance during times of change – aids in becoming aware of patterns in life and recreating them in more beneficial ways.

Note: The written spiritual meanings and metaphysical properties of our gemstones and crystals are meant to be considered entertainment. None of the descriptions on this website and in our store are meant to replace medical advice or treat illness. We encourage you to use gemstones and crystals to enhance your life and broaden your mind, with the understanding the varied nature of each person's experience.

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